More info
- The archeological sites map is based on the book "Orígens del Països Catalans: en els clàssics grecs i llatins" (Origins of the Catalan Countries: in Greek and Latin Classics) of Villalba i Barneda, the website of Patrimoni de la Generalitat (Patrimony of the Catalan Government) patrimoni, the archeological sites list of Wikipedia, and the book "La Casa Ibèrica" (The Iberian House) of Belarte.
- With Google Earth, in the left column, you can search the town, you can add or remove town names, and select or deselect archeological sites. You can also edit its features, right-clicking. You can get close enough to the ground to see in 3D and even to ground level.
- If you know about another archeological site, you can let us know and we will add it to the list (if you want, we can state your name).
- We will continue completing the list of villages in the coming months until we reach hundreds. To be updated, please send us an e-mail or sign up on Facebook. La llista de poblats conté tots els poblats que s'inclouen més alguns altres jaciments. Envieu-nos un correu o apunteu-vos al facebook per estar actualitzats.
- You can freely use the maps, as long as you mention the website or David Folch Flórez.
Webmistress: Núria Delgado.