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Iberian language

As we advance in knowledge of the Iberian language , it has been possible to define how it sounds.

If we make a quantitative analysis of absolute values based on texts of all chronologies and territories , we can perform a statistical distribution of sounds that has allowed us to imagine how the Iberian language would sound.

The sound distribution of the Iberian language is very anterior. When they spoke , the Iberians preferred the articulation located in front of the speech organs and required the obstruction of the air made with the lips , teeth and palate . The support vowel was mostly the /i/.

The surprise is that the consonant distribution is very regular, which would define the unity of language in all territories. In contrast, the vowel distribution is much less regular and presents notable differences between territories. Let us see below:


Askos with Iberian inscription

Significant absences:

Sometimes we can gather more information on what we miss than on what we can find in a language. The Iberian language has some absences that must be significant:

As there remains undetermined characters, this discussion must be viewed as a first approximation as how the Iberian language could sound.

You can download a study made by Carme J. Huertas, based in the absolute frequency of the characters in different times and territories. It has been considered only the longest scripts avoiding repetitive marks and possibly numeral signs.

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Interesting links on the Iberian language:

Professor Rodríguez Ramos website, in Spanish La Lengua Íbera: en Busca del Paradigma Perdido

Institut d'Estudis Ibers

Promotora Española de Lingüística (PROEL) Alfabeto Ibérico

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